Effect of Velocity on Heat Transfer to Boiling Freon-113

Measurements were made of the heat transfer to Freon-113 at near atmospheric pressure, boiling outside a 6.5 mm dia horizontal steam-heated copper tube. Tests included pool boiling and also forced flow vertically upward at uelocities of 2.4, 4.0 and 6.8 m/s. The metal-to-liquid ΔT ranged from 13 to 125° C, resulting in nucleate, transition, and film boiling. The boiling curves for different velocities did not intersect or overlap, contrary to some prior investigators. The peak heat flux was proportional to the square root of velocity, agreeing with the Vliet-Leppert correlation, but disagreeing with the Lienhard-Eichhorn prediction of an exponent of 0.33. The forced-flow nucleate boiling data were well correlated by Rohsenow’s equation, except at high heat fluxes. Heat fluxes in film boiling were proportional to velocity to the exponent 0.56, close to the 0.50 value given by Bromley, LeRoy, and Robbers. Transition boiling was very sensitive to velocity; at a ΔT of 55° C the heat flux was 900 percent higher for a velocity of 2.4 m/s than for zero velocity.

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