SUNBURST-a network of GIC monitoring systems

The Electric Power Research Institute has established a monitoring network called SUNBURST (EPRI Project RP 3211-01) to collect high-quality, readily accessible data related to geomagnetically-induced currents (GIC) associated with geomagnetic disturbances (GMD). A focus of the project is to provide a database which will enable utilities to evaluate the potentially damaging effects of GIC on power apparatus. Such a database will enable the study of the effects of GIC on transformers, generators, and other equipment, and on system protection as well. The precise time coordination of data across geographical regions will permit consideration of the possible benefits of a GMD warning system. In the two years since the first installation, the project has evolved into a sophisticated detection and recording network. This paper describes the architecture of the SUNBURST monitoring systems and the central control network. It provides a first look at representative data recorded during recent GMD events.

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