The Use of Progressive Indicators as Predictors of NCLEX-RN Success and Performance of BSN Graduates

Successful performance during the student's academic career contributes to his success on the NCLEX-RN. The purpose of this study was to determine predictors of success on the NCLEX preadmission and years 2, 3, and 4 variables in relation to NCLEX-RN scores. Data were obtained retrospectively from records of 408 baccalaureate nursing students. Preadmission variables were sex, age, race, and admission grade point average (GPA). Year 2 variables were numerical grades for the first two clinical nursing courses. Year 3 variables were numerical grades for clinical courses in mental health, adult health, and maternal child nursing. Year 4 variables were numerical grades in two senior clinical courses, percentile rank on NLN comprehensive exam, and graduate GPA. In NCLEX-RN scores, 67% of the variance was accounted for by admission GPA and race (33%), one 2nd year grade (an additional 14%), the 3rd year adult health grade (an additional 14%), the 3rd year adult health grade (an additional 11%), one 4th year theory grade, and the NLN comprehensive exam (an additional 9%). These results suggest that there are preadmission and sophomore year predictors of NCLEX-RN success which could be used to design early interventions for students performing poorly and at risk of failing the NCLEX-RN.