Hypobaric hypoxia does not affect lung fluid or protein exchange in awake adult sheep at rest

Pulmonary artery (.hivin.Ppa) and left atrial (.hivin.Pla) pressures, lung lymph flow and lymph/plasma protein concentrations were measured in adult sheep at a barometric pressure of 380 Torr (1 Torr = 133.322 Pa [Pascal]) for 22 h. Hypobaric hypoxia caused an immediate increase in .hivin.Ppa from 20 to 39 Torr. There was no significant change in .hivin.Pla, lymph flow or lymph protein concentrations. Hypobaric hypoxia evidently does not affect lung fluid or protein exchange in awake adult sheep at rest. High altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) is a well recognized complication in individuals who ascend to altitudes above 2500 m.