Rock-Property Changes During Reservoir Compaction

Summary: Deformations, absolute permeability, electrical resistivity, PV change, and compressional- and shear-wave velocities were measured for Berea sandstone under various loading paths at temperatures from 70 to 380°F. The experimental behavior was subdivided into five categories. The experimental results were analyzed for each category, and the analysis was used to construct semianalytical rock-propery equations. These equations accurately simulate complex rock properties under various loading paths, which, unlike conventional rock-property equations, are expressed in terms of strain components. This formalism is practical because strains are more directly related to rock properties than are stress components. This paper presents unique rock-property data, including axial and radial measurements with various loading paths and temperatures; semianalytical equations that accurately simulate rock properties under various loading paths up to rock failure; and realistic predictions of rock-property changes during reservoir compaction.