We discuss the implications of a theory in which scale and chiral invariance are spontaneously broken, and the dilaton appears as a mixture of the two isoscalar members of the scalar nonet. The usual assumptions for the conformal properties of the axial-vector current constrain the low-energy behavior of the spin-2 form factor, F1(t), of the pionic matrix element of the stress-energy tensor. In the limit of scale invariance, we find F1(0)=Fσπ(0)Fσπ(0), where Fσπ(t) is the axial-vector form factor obtained from the coupling of the dilaton to a pion via the axial-vector current, and the prime denotes differentiation. This relation connects the assumptions of f dominance of F1(t) and A1 dominance of Fσπ(t). Using the method of collinear dispersion relations, we estimate the effects of violation of scale invariance. A result previously obtained in the limit of scale invariance becomes FσFσπ(mσ2)fπ12, where fπ is the decay constant of the pion, and Fσ couples the dilation to the vacuum via the stress-energy tensor. Similar corrections to the scale-invariant prediction for F1(0) are calculated. The magnitudes of the corrections are controlled by the A1σπ coupling constant. According to the usual estimates of this constant, the predicted width of the dilaton is compatible with the Adler-Weisberger sum rule for ππ scattering and phenomenological estimates of the σNN coupling constant. While the relation for F1(0) obtained in the limit of scale invariance is compatible with the assumption of f dominance, the effects of symmetry breaking are large. In the real world, we find that f dominance is a poor approximation, a conclusion which is supported by recent estimates of the fNN coupling constants. We discuss the relation of our work to the magnitude of parameters measuring symmetry violation in the energy density. Our interpretation of a recent result of Cheng and Dashen is that scale invariance is spontaneously broken, and chiral SU(2)×SU(2) is a much better symmetry than SU(3).