Further evaluation of the fitted Nilsson parameters in theA≊120–140 mass region

Systematic potential-energy-surface (PES) and cranked-shell-model (CSM) calculations have been performed for nuclei in the A≊120–140 mass region using the newly fitted Nilsson potential (κ,μ) parameters. The roles of the h11/2 quasiparticles in the onset of nuclear deformation and rotational alignment are explored. The PES calculations predict prolate-oblate energy-difference curves for several odd-proton nuclei which suggest the coexistence of oblate and prolate h11/2 single quasiproton states. A major conclusion of this work is that the newly fitted Nilsson potential (κ,μ) parameter sets result in calculated rotational band-crossing frequencies that are in good agreement with experimental proton alignment in addition to reproducing the bandhead energies of odd-Z nuclei in this mass region.