SUMMARY: Drevermann has already described and figured this species, and there can be no doubt that the shell from Smugglers' Cove described by Etheridge as ‘O. hipparionix (sic) or striatula’ belongs to it. There are several much better examples in the Sedgwick Museum from Smugglers' Cove, which fully confirm this conclusion. The specimen from Looe, figured by Davidson (op. cit. supra) as O. hipparionyx ? is believed by Drevermann to belong to O. provulvaria, but he does not mention Etheridge's shell from Smugglers' Cove. There is also one imperfect example in the Sedgwick Museum from the New Cut. Williams and Breger consider Schnur's Orthis hipparionyx (non Vanuxem) from Prtim in the Eifel, to be identical with Hall's Schuchertella woolworthana from the Lower Helderberg of New York.