Conservation of highly repetitive DNA in cetaceans

It is controversial whether odontocetes (toothed whales) and mysticetes (whalebone whales) have a common ancestry. Cetacean karyological uniformity, which is unique among mammalian orders, suggests a monophyletic origin; however, several anatomical authorities have maintained that odontocetes and mysticetes are diphyletic. We investigated the issue using Southern blot hybridization. Two labelled restriction fragment probes from the DNA of the sei whale (a mysticete) were hybridized to restricted DNA of cetacean species representing all extant families except the Eschrichtiidae, the gray whales. The probes hybridized to specific restriction fragments in all odontocete and mysticete materials. Hybridizations showed preservation of hybridization homologies and a striking conservation of the length of highly repeated DNA sequences. The results are compatible with a common ancestry of odontocetes and mysticetes.