Eight conventionally reared, 1- to 11-week old Ayrshire calves were naturally infected by a strain of Mycoplasma dispar (M. dispar). The colonisation was quantitatively followed by nasal swab samples, transtracheal aspiration samples and by the examination of the whole of the respiratory tract for mycoplasmas at slaughter after a follow-up period of 7–10 months. The fairly uniform pattern of the colonisation by M. dispar was revealed: A high degree of colonisation, measuring 105–108 colour change units (ccu) per nasal sample, lasted for a period of 2–5 months and was followed by a slow decrease in titres. Seven of the calves still harboured M. dispar in their respiratory tracts at slaughter. Intermittently obtained transtracheal aspiration samples were all positive for M. dispar and the titres were regularly higher than those for the simultaneously taken nasal samples indicating a high ability of M. dispar to continuously colonize the more distal parts of the respiratory tract. It was demonstrated that the sensitivity of nasal swabbing in the detection of M. dispar infection largely depended on the phase of colonisation : The method was good for the detection of a fairly recent infection of M. dispar, but inadequate for detection of low grade carriers. In various phases, the calves also became infected by Mycoplasma bovirhinis and Acholeplasma laidlawii. Their ability to colonize the whole respiratory tract was lower than that of M. dispar.