Inorganic‐organic composites, including some examples involving polyamides and polyimides

Inorganic‐organic composites are frequently synthesized using techniques very similar to those used in the new sol‐gel approach to ceramics. Organometallics such as silicates, titanates, and aluminates are hydrolyzed in the presence of polymer chains that typically contain reactive groups for bonding onto the silica, titania, or alumina being formed in the hydrolysis, thus forming inorganic‐organic composites. When the polymer chains are present in excess, they constitute the continuous phase, with the ceramic‐type material appearing as reinforcing particles. When present in smaller amounts, the polymer is dispersed in the continuous ceramic phase, to give a polymer‐modified ceramic. Under some conditions, bicontinuous systems are obtained. The composites thus prepared are characterized by electron microscopy, x‐ray and neutron scattering intensities, density determinations, and stress‐strain and impact‐strength measurements. Some unique challenges, problems, and results involved in the application of these techniques to high‐performance polyamides and polyimides are described.
Funding Information
  • Dow Corning Corporation
  • Sandia National Laboratories
  • Air Force Office of Scientific Research
  • Army Research Office
  • National Science Foundation