Human complement factor H: two factor H proteins are derived from alternatively spliced transcripts

The human complement factor H is an important component in the control of the alternative pathway of complement activation. We have previously shown that at least three factor H homologous mRNA species of 4.3 kb, 1.8 kb and 1.4 kb in length are constitutively expressed in human liver. In addition, several factor H-related proteins have been detected in human sera using antibodies directed against the classical human factor H glycoprotein of 150 kDa. The structure of the additional polypeptides has not been shown so far. Circumstantial evidence suggests that the 1.8-kb mRNA might encode the 43-kDa factor H-like polypeptide. Here we report the isolation, characterization and eukaryotic expression of the first full-length cDNA representing the major 4.3-kb mRNA and the 1.8-kb mRNA of human factor H. We show that the 4.3-kb transcript encodes the 150-kDa-factor H glycoprotein and the 1.8-kb mRNA the 43-kDa factor H polypeptide. The identity of the two cDNA in a region of 1400 nucleotides suggests that the two factor H-related transcripts are derived from one gene by a process of alternative splicing.