Interaction of bovine erythrocyte superoxide dismutase with hydrogen peroxide. Chemiluminescence and peroxidation

Reaction of bovine erythrocyte superoxide dismutase with H2O2 was accompanied by a luminescence whose intensity was a function of the concentration of H2O2 and whose duration was coincident with the inactivation of the enzyme by this reagent. Oxygen, which protected against inactivation, also diminished the luminescence. Several other compounds which prevented the inactivation by H2O2 also modified the luminescence. Thus urate, formate, and triethylamine inhibited luminescence whereas imidazole and xanthine augmented it. These seemingly contrary effects can be explained by assuming that the compounds which protected the enzyme were peroxidized in competition with the sensitive group on the enzyme. The luminescence arises because that group on the enzyme was oxidized to a product in an electronically excited state, which could return to the ground state by emitting light. Imidazole and xanthine gave electronically excited products whose quantum efficiency was greater than that of the group on the enzyme, whereas urate, formate, and triethylamine gave products with much lower luminescent efficiencies. This superoxide dismutase could catalyze the peroxidation of a wide range of compounds, including ferrocytochrome c, luminol, diphenylisobenzofuran, dianisidine, and linoleic acid. In control experiments, boiled enzyme was inactive. This peroxidative activity can lead to unexpected effects when superoxide dismutase is added to H2O2-producing systems, as a probe for the involvement of O2-. Several examples from the literature are cited to illustrate the misinterpretations which this previously unrecognized peroxidative activity can generate.