Near-monolayer43He films: Two superfluid transitions and theHe3effective mass and binding energy

We have measured the mass loading on a torsional oscillator of mixture films of He3 and He4 at coverages near one active atomic layer of He4. These measurements yield information about the superfluid transition of He4 and the effective mass and binding energy of He3. Unlike the situation with submonolayer and multilayer films, where the superfluid transition takes place at a single temperature, we observe for these films a transition in two steps. This confirms a report some time ago of a similar observation by Bishop and Reppy. By comparing the mass loading at T=0 of pure He4 films with that of mixtures, we obtain the He3 effective mass which can be compared with results from the specific heat. We find, in particular, that the effective mass has a maximum as a function of He4 thickness with correct asymptotic values for infinite and zero thickness limits. This maximum coincides very nearly with the thickness of He4 at which the transition into the superfluid state takes place in two steps. In the submonolayer region the effective mass agrees with a density dependence one might expect as an extension of the theory of Pandharipande and Itoh for three-dimensional mixtures. We believe such theory should be able to be done for the two-dimensional case.

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