Exact solution in an external magnetic field of Ising models with three-spin interactions

The three-spin interaction Hamiltonian H(3)J3ΣijksiσjσkHΣisiHΣjσj (the s and σ spins belong to different sublattices) is solved for some two-dimensional lattices by a generalized star-triangle transformation. The H=0 internal energy, specific heat, and magnetization are explicitly calculated, and the singularity structures of other functions (e.g.x are studied. Although the actual critical-point exponents remain the same as for systems with two-spin interaction, the three-spin interaction gives rise to different amplitude and background terms. In particular, the H=0 magnetization is nonzero for all finite T, because of the lack of spin-reversal symmetry; the diameter is seen explicitly to have an energy singlularity, with critical exponent 1α.