The general theory of the dynamical motion and gamma-ray cross section for a single impurity nucleus harmonically coupled to an arbitrary collection of N atoms is developed in supermatrix representation. The relevant properties of the system are expressed in terms of a functional matrix f0(Ω) of order 3N×3N, where Ω is the mass-reduced force-constant matrix. Our approach is to use a Cauchy singular integral representation for f0(Ω) involving an integration along the real frequency, ω, axis. Matrix partitioning techniques are used to reduce our problem to one of evaluating the 3×3 impurity atom dynamic response matrix, {G}11=(1+ε)[I3+τεA11]1A11, where τ=ω2iδ. Here, δ is an arbitrarily small number, and ε+1=ratioofimpurityatomtohostatommass, (MIMH). For an arbitrary physical arrangement of the atoms, A11={[I3(z+1)Dz+1(ΔFMH)]1Dz+1}11, where the subscript, 1, refers to the impurity atom coordinates, ΔF is the perturbation in force-constant matrix, and z is the number of sites over which the perturbation extends. The Dz+1 matrix has matrix elements obtained from the elements of the pure host matrix DH=[τI3NFHMH1]1, FH is the pure host force-constant matrix. Ik is a k×k unit matrix.