Magnetic phase transitions in the two-dimensional frustrated quantum antiferromagnetCs2CuCl4

We report magnetization and specific heat measurements in the two-dimensional frustrated spin-12 Heisenberg antiferromagnet Cs2CuCl4 at temperatures down to 0.05K and high magnetic fields up to 11.5T applied along a, b, and c axes. The low-field susceptibility χ(T)MB shows a broad maximum around 2.8K characteristic of short-range antiferromagnetic correlations and the overall temperature dependence is well described by high temperature series expansion calculations for the partially frustrated triangular lattice with J=4.46K and JJ=13. At much lower temperatures (0.4K) and in in-plane field (along b and c axes) several new intermediate-field ordered phases are observed in between the low-field incommensurate spiral and the high-field saturated ferromagnetic state. The ground state energy extracted from the magnetization curve shows strong zero-point quantum fluctuations in the ground state at low and intermediate fields.