RECENTLY Freis and Mater1reported a case of jaundice due to intrahepatic obstruction consequent to the use of oxophenarsine hydrochloride. Some years previously Hanger and Gutman2collected a series of 12 cases of such a disease following the use of arsphenamine. They described the clinical and pathologic aspects of these cases and contrasted the observations with those of cases in which the jaundice resulted from parenchymatous hepatic damage. The following case is believed to belong in the first of these two groups. The disease followed the use of neoarsphenamine. The case is of interest because of the lengthy duration of the jaundice, the fact that operation was not requested, and the ultimate rapid improvement with no treatment after the failure of prolonged and varied therapy in the hospital. REPORT OF A CASE A healthy 26 year old Negro, a stevedore, applied for antisyphilitic treatment in April 1944. He