The induction of in vivo superinfection and recombination using feline immunodeficiency virus as the model

This study investigated the hypothesis that under certain conditions, superinfection of cats with feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), may occur. One FIV isolate (T91) was used to inoculate three FIV and FeLV-free cats. Blood from an FIV-infected cat (N), which contained two variants and differed from T91 by at least 5% in nucleotide sequence in theenv gene, was inoculated into a fourth cat. Both T91 and blood from N were inoculated simultaneously into a fifth cat. After 22 weeks, two of the three cats initially infected with T91 were challenged with blood from N. At 30 weeks following initial infection, peripheral blood mononuclear cells were obtained from all cats, DNA was extracted, and a segment of theenv gene was PCR amplified, cloned and sequenced. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the cloned PCR product showed that virus strains used in initial infection were recovered from cats not challenged with a second variant. Challenge of cats with the blood of N following initial infection with T91 resulted in superinfection occurring in one cat and recombination occurring in the other. Furthermore, the use of blood as a source of challenge, in cats where superinfection and simultaneous infections were attempted, may have induced the appearance of variants which more closely resembled the most heterologous strain present in the infectious source.