Reliability of urinary cytodiagnosis in urothelial neoplasms

A retrospective study was done to explore the reliability of urinary cytologic examination of 117 cases of transitional cell carcinoma seen at this institution for the period 1980 to 1984. A specificity of 99%, sensitivity of 85%, false-positive rate of 11%, and false-negative rate of 10% were obtained. A single blind review of cytologic and histologic material from 66 of the cases was also performed for evaluation of the cytologic criteria employed for the grading of tumors. Cytohistologic correlation of grade I lesions was poor, whereas correlation of grades II and III was reasonably good. Carcinoma in situ was cytologically recognized in all instances but was difficult to distinguish from grade III carcinoma. Cancer 56: 2041-2045, 1985.