Analysis of Severe Injuries Associated with Volleyball Activities

In brief: Volleyball has rarely been studied with regard to injuries. However, recent identification of severe knee injuries incurred as a result of participation in volleyball has prompted an investigation of injuries associated with this sport. Among 7,490 persons referred to a major metropolitan outpatient sports medicine clinic for rehabilitation, 106 were treated for injuries related to volleyball. Nearly 90% of the injuries were concentrated in the lower extremities. In particular, knee injuries accounted for 59% of the injuries in both males and females, while ankle injuries accounted for 22% and 24%, respectively. The mechanism of jumping, landing, and twisting upon impact with the ground or floor was associated with 63% of all the injuries, including 61% of the knee injuries and 92% of the ankle injuries. The costs associated with these injuries indicate a significant problem. Directions for future research are identified so that the most appropriate strategies for prevention and control can be determined.