Cross Fractionation of Styrene-Butadiene Copolymer

A sample of styrene-butadiene copolymer was fractionated by successive precipitation (one-direction fractionation) in cyclohexane/isooctane and benzene/methyl ethyl ketone systems. The chemical composition and molecular weight distributions of the sample were constructed from the fractionation data. The results obtained in both systems were nearly identical for the chemical composition distribution, but were different for the molecular weight distribution. The same sample was fractionated by cross fractionation using both solvent/nonsolvent systems. Comparing the results of cross fractionation with the results of one-direction fractionation, the first gave broader molecular weight and chemical composition distribution curves than the second. However, only cross fractionation showed that the chemical composition distribution curve has a long tail not only at the right side but also at the left side of the distribution maximum. The superiority of cross fractionation over one-direction fractionation seems clear from the present work. It is also clear that even if the chemical composition distribution curves obtained by one-direction fractionation in different systems are identical with one another, the curves do not always show the true distribution.

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