Infection After Farm Machine–Related Injuries in Children and Adolescents

• Infection played an important role in prolonging hospitalization and increasing morbidity in 68 children injured in farm settings. Predominantly gram-negative enteric organisms, group D streptococci, and anaerobic organisms were isolated in cultures of specimens obtained from wounds. Infection was more often associated with severe injuries of the large bones of the extremities than in amputation injuries of the digits and crush or rollover injuries when the skin barrier was intact. The occurrence of infection in farm injuries was associated with prolonged hospitalization for parenteral antibiotic therapy, multiple surgical débridements with a need for general anesthesia, and permanent disability (decreased range of motion and loss of limbs and digits). Early aggressive surgical débridement and antimicrobial therapy guided by isolation and sensitivity testing of the major organisms are required because of polymicrobial invasion of vascularly compromised tissue. (AJDC. 1990;144:710-713)

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