Imaging findings in rabies

A 10 year old Vietnamese girl presented with clinical features of an acute encephalitic process. A cerebral angiogram performed to rule out vasculitis showed narrowing at the supraclinoid internal carotid and terminal basilar arteries. A diagnosis of rabies was established at autopsy. Although the major blood vessels and basal meninges were normal it was possible that transient arterial spasm induced by the viral infection was responsible for the angiographic appearance. Other imaging findings in our patient are described with a brief review of the literature. This is only the second case of rabies reported in Australia. Rabies is a rare disease in the Australian community. Recently one patient with atypical clinical presentation was confirmed to have the disease only at autopsy. In the clinical work-up, various radiological examinations were performed and a range of interesting features were encountered including an abnormal cerebral angiogram. The purpose of this paper is to report on these unusual features and to review those documented in the literature.

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