Fine structural features of the synapses observed electron microscopically in the olfactory bulb of the mouse were described with particular reference to atypical characteristics which mainly consisted in the pattern of the distribution of the so-called synaptic vesicles. Five types of these unconventional synapses were identified: a) Synapses between two neuronal processes, where vesicles are distributed on both sides of synaptic junction. b) Synaptic junction between a neuronal process and the mitral cell soma, with apparently same situation of the vesicles as in a-type. c) Morphologically reciprocal or bipolar synaptic junction between two neuronal processes, where one process is either presynaptic or postsynaptic against the other process at different synaptic patches. d) Presynaptic synapses (GRAY 1962) or serial synapses (KIDD 1962). e) Synapses with postsynaptic ‘subsurface cistern’ (ROSENBLUTH 1961) or ‘double membrane’ (ENGSTRÖM 1958) or ‘formation sous synaptique’ (TAXI 1961).Physiological implications of these unconventional or atypical synaptic junctions were briefly discussed.

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