Papillary Adenoma of the Prostatic Urethra

Papillary adenoma of the prostatic urethra is a common cause of hemospermia and hematuria in young men in our country. Between November 1982 and June 1983, 25 such patients have been treated. Of these patients 18 were between 19 and 29 years old, 6 were between 30 and 39 years old, and 1 was 40 years old. The lesion presents a classic histologic pattern with orderly columnar cells covering a delicate vascularized stalk and subepithelial infolding cells forming prostate-like glands. The lesion was located on the verumontanum in 5 instances (20 per cent), in the paramontanal gutter in 19 (76 per cent), and in the paramontanal gutter and at the bladder neck in 1. The lesion is believed to be completely benign, since no cases of malignant transformation have been reported to date. The suggested treatment is cautious fulguration.