Cochlear Blood Vessel: A Histochemical Method of its Demonstration

MICROCIRCULATION of the blood in the cochlea obviously plays a paramount role in maintaining function of the cochlea. Courses and distributions of the blood vessel within the cochlea are unique and its function should be considered in relation to the cochlear physiology. Attempts have been made to relate vascular disturbances to some inner ear diseases. It is, however, difficult to evidence in the human temporal bone. As the capillary runs tortuous in the cochlea, the conventional celloidin specimen of the human temporal bone is not the best method to demonstrate and trace the cochlear blood vessel. Since it is possible to examine the whole cochlea, we chose as our method surface preparation. Using osmium tetroxide fixation, Johnsson and Hawkins1recently showed the capillary in the organ of Corti in surface preparation of the human cochlea. Alkaline phosphatase is one of the enzymes widely distributed in the body. The capillary