Studies of the Mobilization of Thoriun from the Norro Do Ferro

The Morro do Ferro1,2,3 is a hill on the Pocos de Caldas plateau in the state of of Minas Gerais, Brazil which, except for a few monazite beaches, may have the highest levels of natural radioactivity of any place on the surface of the earth (1–3 mK/hr). The radioactivity originates from an ore body located on the upper slopes of the hill (Fig. 1), which rises about 140 m above its surroundings to a maximum altitude of 1540 m. The ore body is estimated to contain about 20,000 metric tons of Th and a somewhat greater quantity of rare earths. The Morro do Ferro has been the site of a number of radiobiological studies conducted during the past 20 years.4,5,6,7