Improvement of anal sensation with preservation of the anal transition zone after ileoanal anastomosis for ulcerative colitis

One of the most important considerations in restorative proctocolectomy for ulcerative colitis is postoperative continence. Preservation of the anal transition zone has been associated with improved results after this procedure in the pediatric age group. This study was carried out to determine the effect of preservation of the amal transition zone in adult patients undergoing restorative proctocolectomy, comparing a group of patients with the anal transition zone preserved with a group of patients with the anal transition zone removed. Physiologic testing demonstrated improved sensation in those patients with a preserved anal transition zone. Functional results were not significantly improved, although there was a trend toward improved continence and discrimination in those with the anal transition zone preserved. Although the results are early and are not conclusive from the clinical standpoint, they are certainly encouraging and may justify continued use of this technique.