Surface Staining of 1 MM (Wilson) Slices of Fetuses for Internal Visceral Examination

Slices of fetuses dissected by the Wilson free-hand razor blade slicing method can be stained by the following procedure: Place washed slices (Bouin-fixed, stored in 80% alcohol) in staining solution made fresh daily by diluting 1:20 a stock aqueous solution of 0.1% cresyl violet acetate with 2% acetic acid. Stain for at least 5 min with frequent agitation. Pour off the stain and rinse briefly with distilled water. Differential coloration was evident after staining; bone stained purple, cartilage was stained bright red, glandular tissue dark blue and most other tissues were stained blue-green against the yellow background imparted by the picric acid of the fixative. Contrast in the stained slices was increased, thereby facilitating the recognition of borders of certain organs. Anatomical details in many organs such as kidney, eye, and tooth primordia were clearly visible in the slices stained with cresyl violet, and black and white photography was greatly facilitated.

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