Large-Scale Production of Intermediate-Purity, Soluble Human Plasminogen

A method is described for laboratory, pilot or large-scale production of intermediatepurity human plasminogen soluble at neutral pH, with a specific proteolytic activity of approximately 12.5 CTA units/mg protein. Batches of 100-200 g can be readily produced from Fraction III paste from outdated or fresh-frozen plasma. Since this plasminogen is stable on long-term storage, and low in spontaneous plasmin activity, it is especially useful as an assay reagent (substrate) and as starting material for the preparation of high-purity plasminogen. *) Work partially supported by United States Public Health Service Grant: #HE-05003 and Contract PH-43-67-1364, both from the National Heart Institute. Contribution No.167 from the Blood Research Laboratories, American National Red Cross. **) Present address: Karolinska Institute, Department of Clinical Chemistry, Serafimer Hospital, Stockholm K, Sweden. ***) Present address: Technicon Instruments Corp., Tarrytown, New York. Inquiries to Alan J . Johnson, M. D., 550 First Avenue, New York, New York 10016.

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