Time-dependent directional correlations ofHgm199in liquid Hg, solid Hg, and HgCl2

Time-directional correlations of the 374- and 158-keV γ rays of Hgm199 were studied with sources in the form of liquid Hg, frozen Hg, and dry crystalline HgCl2. The time-dependent anisotropy in the liquid at room temperature shows no observable disturbance over several lifetimes. The integral anisotropy in the liquid indicates mixing of E5 with the predominantly M4 first γ ray with an M4E5 mixing ratio δ=0.092±0.015. The half-life of the intermediate state was determined to be 2.47 ± 0.05 nsec. Time-dependent directional correlations in frozen emulsified Hg show a quadrupole interaction eQ(2Vz2)h=198±40 MHz. The time-dependent coincidence rate in HgCl2 shows a quadrupole interaction eQ(2Vz2)h=1271±30 MHz. If the second γ ray is a rotational transition, the quadrupole moment of the intermediate state determined from the intermediate-state E2 lifetime can be combined with the nuclear-quadrupole-resonance frequency of Hg201 in HgCl2 to give a quadrupole moment for Hg201 of 0.39 ± 0.02 b. This result is in excellent agreement with the value of 0.41 b obtained by Murakawa from the hyperfine structure of atomic mercury.