Deletion mapping of the yeast pol I promoter

Deletions in the promoter region of the 37S pre-rRNA operon in yeast were constructed and analysed in vivo using an artificial ribosomal minigene present on an extrachromosomal yeast vector. Sequences required for correct transcription initiation were found to be located between positions −192 and +15 relative to the start; a 5′-deletion down to position −133 reduces the transcription yield of the minigene at least five-fold. To allow detection of transcription of the minigene in isolated nuclei of yeast transformed with a minigene-bearing plasmid we attempted to increase the minigene copy number. The transcription yield in vivo appeared not to be proportional to the copy number but was found to be greatly enhanced when two or three mini-genes are present in tandem. α-Amanitin sensitivity of transcription of these minigenes in isolated nuclei proved that RNA polymerase I is responsible for their transcription.