Venom chemistry of ants in the genusMonomorium

A comparative analysis of the venomous alkaloids produced by ant species in the subgenusMonomorium of the genusMonomorium has been undertaken. All species produce mixtures of unsymmetricaltrans-2,5-dialkylpyrrolidines, but the proportions of the constituents may vary considerably between species. All alkaloids contain both C6 and C9 side chains which are present as C9-saturated. C6-monounsaturated, and both C6-and C9-monounsaturated dialkylpyrrolidines. The structure of 2-(1-hex-5-enyl)-5-(1-non-8-enyl)pyrrolidine, a previously undescribed alkaloid, was proved by unambiguous synthesis after the location of the double bonds was established by the methoxymercuration-demercuration followed by mass spectrometry. The possible chemotaxonomic significance of the mixtures of venomous alkaloids produced by these species ofMonomorium is discussed.