Foliar Sprays for Mid and Late Season Control of Colorado Potato Beetle, 1978

‘Katahdin’ potatoes were planted on May 10 in a Merrimac sandy loam at the Valley Laboratory, Windsor. Temik was applied directly to the seed furrow at planting. Plots consisted of 3-rows 1.0 m apart and 4.6 m long. There were 4 replicates laid out in a randomized complete block design. On Jul 19, when it appeared that Colorado potato beetles were surviving on plots treated with Temik, a comparison of 3 foliar sprays was initiated to determine an effective supplement for the Temik treatments. The insecticides selected are labelled for use on potatoes in Connecticut, and Furadan is most commonly used. Foliar sprays were applied weekly for 9 treatments through Sep 13. A Bean hydraulic sprayer was used with a hand-held nozzle at 150 psi and a delivery of 100 gal/acre. Beetles were counted weekly on leaves on 3, 25 cm sections of a vine from 3 center row plants in each plot. Potato yields were computed from a complete harvest of each plot on Oct 10.

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