Eclogites and polyphase P–T cycling in the Caledonian Uppermost Allochthon in Troms, northern Norway

Eclogites in the Tromsø area, northern Norway, are intimately associated with meta‐supracrustals within the Uppermost Allochthon of the Scandinavian Caledonides (the Tromsø Nappe Complex). The whole sequence, which includes pelitic to semipelitic schists and gneisses, marbles and calc‐silicate rocks, quartzofeldspathic gneisses, metabasites and ultramafites, has undergone three main deformational/metamorphic events (D1/M1, D2/M2 and D3/M3). Detailed structural, microtextural and mineral chemical studies have made it possible to construct separate P–T paths for these three events.Chemically zoned late syn‐ to post‐D1 garnets with inclusions of Bt, Pl and Qtz in Ky‐bearing metapelites indicate a prograde evolution from 636°C, 12.48 kbar to c. 720°C, 14–15 kbar. This latter result is in agreement with Grt–Cpx geothermometry and Grt–Cpx–Pl–Qtz geobarometry on eclogites and trondhjemitic to dioritic gneisses. Maximum pressures at c. 675°C probably reached 17–18 kbar based on Cpx–Pl–Qtz inclusions in eclogitic garnets, and Grt–Ky–Pl–Qtz and Jd–Ab–Qtz in trondhjemitic gneisses. Post‐D1/pre‐D2 decompressional breakdown of the high‐P assemblages indicates a substantial drop in pressure at this stage. Inclusions and chemical zoning in syn‐ to post‐D2 garnets from metapelites record a second episode of prograde metamorphism, from 552°C, 7.95 kbar, passing through a maximum pressure of 10.64 kbar at 644°C, with final equilibration at c. 665°C, 9–10 kbar. The corresponding apparently co‐facial paragenesis Grt + Cpx + Pl + Qtz in metabasites yields c. 635°C, 8–10 kbar. In the metapelites post‐D3, Grt in apparent equilibrium with Bt, Phe and Pl yield c. 630°C, 9 kbar. The D1/M1 and D2/M2 episodes are exclusively recorded in the Tromsø Nappe Complex and must thus pre‐date the emplacement of this allochthonous unit on top of the underlying Lyngen Nappe, while the D3/M3 episode is common for the two units.A previously published Sm–Nd mineral isochron (Grt–Cpx–Am) on a partly retrograded and recrystallized ecologite of 598 ± 107 Ma represents either the timing of formation of the eclogites or the post‐eclogite/pre‐D2 decompression stage, while a Rb–Sr whole rock isochron of an apparently post‐D1/pre‐D2 granite of 433 ± 11 Ma is consistent with a K–Ar age of post‐D1/pre‐D2 amphiboles from a retrograded eclogite of 437 ± 16 Ma which most likely record cooling below the 475–500°C isotherm after the M3 metamorphism.