Radiations From Tantalum (182), Antimony (122), and Indium (116)

The 100-day activity was induced in tantalum irradiated by slow neutrons in the Clinton pile. The beta-rays of this isotope were found to have a range in aluminum of 0.112 g/cm2, and the gamma-rays a maximum energy of 1.16±0.1 Mev as determined by coincidence absorption. The beta-gamma coincidence rate was 0.93×103 coincidence per beta-ray, independent of the beta-ray energy, and a gamma-gamma coincidence rate of (0.27±0.03)×103 coincidence per gamma-ray was obtained. These data indicate that beta-emission by Ta182 leads to an exited state of W182 and that de-excitation occurs with the emission of two or more gamma-rays in cascade.