Sightings of cetaceans by observers taking part in the Trans-Atlantic yacht race from Bermuda to Germany via the north of Scotland in July 1968 are divided into 5 classes, viz. dolphins and porpoises, pilot whales, medium-size whales, large whales, and unidentified whales. Though cetaceans of some kind were present throughout the trans-oceanic zone covered by the observers, sightings of dolphins and porpoises, and large whales, were concentrated in the western Atlantic, while pilot whales were fairly evenly distributed throughout the zone. This distribution agrees with that of similar records obtained in July 1966 and suggests that these broad distribution patterns reflect the actual distribution of these classes in this region of the North Atlantic in July. Comparison of the numbers of animals sighted in the two years suggests that the relative numbers of the different classes may be fairly constant in the region at this time of the year with a ratio of 1 large whale to at least 9 pilot whales and 50 dolphins and porpoises.