Radiative decay of neutron resonances inGe73(n,γ)Ge74

γ rays following neutron capture in natural germanium have been studied up to En500 eV with the fast chopper at the Brookhaven high flux beam reactor. Up to this energy only resonances in Ge73 contribute. From the high-energy γ rays observed, levels in Ge74 are identified to an excitation energy of about 3 MeV. From the low-energy γ rays depopulating the Ge74 levels, spin assignments for several Ge73 resonances are made; namely 102 eV, Jπ=4+; 204 eV, Jπ=5+; and 224 eV, Jπ=4+. The results of the resonance capture experiments are compared to previous "average-resonance" and thermal-capture work, and in general are found to be in good agreement. Average radiative strengths for M1 and E2 transitions are calculated and compared to model estimates.