Quality of intraoral radiographs from 9–11‐year‐old Norwegian children

The quality of intraoral radiograph series consisting of 10 periapical and 2 posterior bitewing radiographs from 200 children were examined by 6 dentists. The radiographs were evaluated both without and, subsequently, with specified criteria. In the absence of specified criteria, no general agreement between the examiners was found when they were asked to state the quality of a radiograph. Using specified criteria much better agreement was obtained. The radiographic images of the maxillary and mandibular incisors were generally found acceptable using the criteria set up for the present study while the images of the canines, premolars and especialy molars frequently were found unacceptable. Only a small proportion of the approximal surfaces on the posterior bitewings were unreadable for caries of dentin, while .apprx. 20% of the approximal surfaces were unreadable for caries of enamel. Approximately half the bitewing films had been placed wrong in the mouth. Considering the available knowledge about prevalence of disease and anomalies in children of this age, quality of the radiographs, examiner variability and a possible harmful effect of radiogaphy, screening with full-mouth intraoral radiographs in the actual age group does not seem to be justified in the population studied.