A total of 7 patients underwent cystectomy due to bladder malignancy and the ileum was used for lower urinary tract reconstruction (5 underwent bladder substitutions, 1 an internal ileal reservoir and 1 ileal conduit diversion). Antireflux mechanisms were created by submucosally tunneled ureters and in 1 case the continent mechanism was created by a submucosally tunneled ileal tube. In all cases the Yang needle was used, which consists of a needle portion and a forceps portion. The selected position of the ileum for ureteral and ileal tube implantation is injected with normal saline submucosally to form a wheal. The Yang needle is introduced submucosally, guided under the wheal for a certain distance and then directed through the ileal wall. Smooth dilation of the tunnel is achieved with the dilated portion of the needle without laceration of the mucosa. The needle portion is then removed. The ureter or ileal tube is grasped by the forceps portion of the needle and brought through the tunnel to the mucosal side of the ileal plate, followed by mucosa-to-mucosa anastomosis. For all 14 ureteral implantations only 1 ureter had reflux on postoperative radiographic studies and only 1 of 4 hydroureters remained. No additional obstructive lesions or pyelonephritis was noted postoperatively. The patient whose continent mechanism is formed by the submucosal tunneled ileal tube method is continent and free of an appliance. The Yang needle tunneling technique may be a choice in the creation of antireflux and continent mechanisms.