The Effect of Desiccation and Anaerobic Conditions on the Behaviour, Survival and General Metabolism of Three Common Cirripedes

The survival, under experimental conditions related to desiccation and the development of anaerobic conditions, has been investigated for three cirripedes, Balanus balanoides, B crenatus and Chthamalus stellatus. On exposure to air the intertidal species form a micropylar opening at the opercular valves which allows access of air to the mantle cavity and there is control over water loss. The sublittoral species does not so adapt. Under nitrogen saturated with water vapor, stress because of oxygen demand is maximal in all species and the survival of the sublittoral approaches that of the intertidal species. All 3 species accumulate lactic acid under anaerobic conditions the majority of which is excreted. The metabolic rate is lowered under these conditions. On return to aerobic conditions a small amount of lactic acid is oxidized, allowing a greater accumulation should anaerobic conditions subsequently follow. In water of low salinity anaerobic conditions are set up with the accumulation of lactic acid; this is probably excreted at intervals. Results are related to the ecology of the species.