Liquid phase epitaxial growth of laser heterostructures in Pb1−xSnxTe

Pb1−xSnxTe heterostructures have been grown by liquid phase epitaxy on p-PbTe substrates and laser diodes have been fabricated from layered structures with the following compositions: n-PbTe (LPE)/p-PbTe (substrate); n-Pb1−xSnxTe (LPE)/p-PbTe (substrate); and n-PbTe (LPE)/n-Pb1−xSnxTe (LPE)/p-PbTe (substrate). Lasing in all structures occurs in the lower-band-gap region. Threshold currents in these lasers are comparable to those reported for conventional diffused lasers, indicating that the presence of the heterojunctions does not introduce a significant number of new nonradiative recombination centers and that efficient minority carrier injection occurs across the heterojunctions. The liquid phase epitaxy technique used in these growths is discussed.