Automated static perimetry and nerve fibre layer defects in glaucoma and controls

Correlation of psychophysical tests and structural changes is essential in the management of glaucoma. We compared the mean sensitivity and the short-term fluctuation in eyes with and without defects in the retinal nerve fibre layer in 41 glaucoma patients and 40 controls. In the glaucoma group 87.2% of eyes with visual field defects and 42.3% without visual field defects showed nerve fibre loss. In the control group 36.3% showed nerve fibre loss. In manifest glaucoma the mean sensitivity was 10.9 +/- 7.2 dB in eyes with nerve fibre loss and 19.2 +/- 3.9 dB in eyes without nerve fibre loss. This difference was statistically significant. The corresponding difference in glaucoma suspects and controls was not statistically significant. There was no difference between the short-term fluctuation in the three groups regardless of nerve fibre loss.