The effects of cow urine and equivalent nitrogen, potassium, and sulphur treatments on pasture yield, botanical composition, herbage chemical composition, and N fixation by clovers ~ere examm~d during winter and spring. Urine caused a large increase in ryegrass Yield, due entirely to its N component. The effect on yield lasted 2-3 harvests and was followed by a decrease in clover growth. The sulphur treatment (sodium sulphate) reduced the depresslve effect ofN on clover growth. Urine increased the N concentratiop of grass (particularly the nitrate fraction) and increased the potassium concentration of grass and clover. N fixation by clover was markedly decreased by urine, particularly during the winter. The treatments were replicated at either end of a paddock to. examine the influence of the previous grazing method (nine years of break-feeding in the, same dlrection, wlth no back-fencing) on fertility transfer. At the low fertillty end, lower levels of pasture production and soil nutrients were measured and pasture response to urea was higher.