Lower Genital Tract Infection with Neisseria Gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia Trachomatis in Women Requesting Induced Abortion and in Their Sexual Partners

The prevalence and patterns of gonococcal and chlamydial infection were investigated in a prospective microbiological study on 3,395 women requesting abortion and the sexual partners of culture positive women (organism identified). Neisseria gonorrhoeae was found in only 1.8% of 3,395 women during the whole study period of 7 years, but Chlamydia trachomatis in 13.5% of 1,635 women in the last 3 years. Women with positive cultures were significantly younger (p<p<Chlamydiae trachomatis should be considered for all women requesting abortion. Tracing and screening for chlamydial and gonorrheal infection of sexual partners of culture‐positive women is necessary as a preventive measure.