Detergent Formula Effect on Transport of Nutrients to Ground Water from Septic Systems

Two groups of new septic systems in coarse‐textured soils overlying shallow ground water were monitored for two years to determine the potential of contamination of individual ground‐water supply from the use of phosphate‐ built (PO4) or carbonate‐built (CO3) detergents. The distribution of nutrients and chloride in the shallow aquifer were examined to trace contamination from the septic systems.The data were evaluated statistically, and a stochastic nutrient transport model was compiled to simulate ground‐ water contamination by nutrients for a five‐county region. The stochastic modeling of the data showed that neither detergent caused delivery of total phosphorus to ground water in concentrations above 0.1 mg/1 as P. However, total nitrogen was removed more efficiently from systems receiving PC4‐built than CO3‐built detergents. The total nitrogen from septic systems reached the ground water in concentrations of 39 and 69 mg/1 as N from PO4‐ and CO3‐built detergent use, respectively, The detergent formula has a substantial effect on ground‐water contamination by nitrogen from septic systems.