Effects of dental health education for mothers with young children in London

Dental health education for mothers with young children is thought to be capable of achieving a high standard of dental health for these children. The dental health of a sample of 5-yr-old chicken whose mothers were given dental health education at an early stage in their child''s life was studied. The dental health education was given to 1 group during home visits and to a 2nd through leaflets sent by post. Comparisons were made with a 3rd group of children whose mothers had been randomly selected to form a control group. Of children whose mothers were given advice at home 69% were caries free, compared to 58% of children in the control group. Scores for gingivitis were also significantly lower in the 1st group. No significant differences in disease levels were seen between children whose mothers had been sent leaflets through the post and those in the control group. In relation to the use of fluoride supplements, 25% of the children whose mothers had been given personal advice received fluoride supplements regularly throughout the period of the study. Children of these highly motivated mothers showed less caries (83% were caries free) and lower levels of gingivitis than children who had never received supplements.