Localization of the neurofilament protein in neuroblastoma cells by immunofluorescent staining.

Neurofilament protein (54,000-56,000 daltons) was localized in murine neuroblastoma cells by indirect immunofluorescent staining with antisera to purified calf brain neurofilament protein. In some cells with only short processes, specific staining of fibrous material was present in the perinuclear region while in other cells similar fibers, coiled to varying degrees, were present in other regions of the cytoplasm. In cells with longer processes a stained fiber extended throughout each process. The staining pattern observed followed the distribution of bundles of 100 .ANG. filaments as determined by EM. The fibers did not stain with antisera to tubulin or tropomyosin. The observations reported indicate that neurofilament protein isolated from calf brain is antigenically related to a component of the bundles of 100 .ANG. filaments in neuroblastoma cells, and the neurofilament protein is an integral part of bundles of 100 .ANG. filaments in neuroblastoma cells, while neither tubulin nor tropomyosin is present in these bundles.