High-field specific heat of CeCu2Si2 and CeAl3

We have measured the low-temperature specific heat, C, of both a superconducting and a nonsuperconducting sample of CeCu2 Si2, as well as a sample of CeAl3, in fields to 23 T. Contrary to all our previous C(H) work on nonsuperconducting Ce-based heavy-fermion systems (HFS’s), the superconducting CeCu2.2 Si2 sample has a small response to field, similar to the results for the other heavy-fermion superconductors UPt3 and UBe13. Thus, the previous correlation that U-based HFS’s have small changes of C with field and that Ce-based HFS’s have large changes must be discarded. We attempt to correlate other measured properties with our C(H) data for all HFS’s for which such data exist, a total of seven systems, with only limited success. The possibility of a hidden variable linking the lack of large changes in C in 23 T with the occurrence of superconductivity in HFS’s is discussed.